[Durble &mp Tngle-Free] This jump rope is mde of steel wires tht re coted with strong PVC mteril, mking it durble even fter long time exercising. Built-in with h-qulity bll berings. It voids the twisting, winding or bending like other fitness ropes, it ensures smooth nd effortless spin mking jump rope provides you with comfortble jump exercises.
[djustble Rope]The Jump rope design with 9.2 feet long of the rope. This jump rope'
s long enough to meet the skipping needs of dults or , nd you cn be freely djust to the length you suitble.When you determine the length of the rope skipping ccording to your needs, the excess rope needs to be cut off, otherwise It will not fst jumps nd won'
t protecting you from ny potentil tngles.
[Comfortble Fom Hndle]: Comfortble hndle mkes it esy to gp nd crry,nd the non-slip &mp
moisture-wicking fetures lso keep your plms dry,which mkes your hnds feel comfortble nd non-slip during skipping,instntly motivtes your exceize gols, mking your every exercise comfortble nd sfe!
[Fst &mp Portble]It fst jumps while protecting you from ny potentil tngles, stisfying your needs for sfety nd convenience t the sme time. This rope is esy to crry. You cn tke it everywhere. Gret for indoor nd outdoor, prcticl, portble exercise.
[Ex Qulity &mp Service]We re lso hppy to serve you! If you hve ny questions, plese contct us nd we’ll give stisfying solution