Product Description
As you swing the club, it will be slightly compressed like a real golf ball and fly away, you can clearly see the ball trajectory change.

Quantity: 20count (Four for each color)
Multi-Color to Choice: Red, yellow, blue, white, orange.
Weight: 7.8g
Ball diameter: 41mm
Quality Material
Made of compressed foam soft PU materials, which have good dent and impact resistance, light and flexible.
Realistic Texture
As the foam golf balls travels through the air, the navots create vortices that reduce drag, increasing distance and stability. In addition, the navots increase the spin of the golf ball, allowing the golfer to better control the trajectory of the ball during the swing.
When the foam golf balls lands on the green or long grass, the bunker increases the friction between the ball and the ground, making the ball more stable and reducing the possibility of deviation from the desired trajectory.