Infinite Defense
DENSER, THINNER, STRONGER. Our 2nd generation of self-healing target material. This synthetic ballistic blend is still 100 Percent recycled while also being 33 Percent lighter
and 30 Percent longer lasting than our original Infinity Target. The Gen 2 Infinity Target still boasts the same beloved benefits:
Self-Healing: Up to 110 rounds of 5.56 per square inch!
No Ricochet: Shoot as close as you need to!
Weatherproof: Withstands all elements and any climate. Completely waterproof.
Reusable: Spray paint with any paint to reset the target.
US Made: Made from recycled materials in Phoenix, AZ.
Weatherproof in ALL climates
Thermal Compatible: Infinity Targets are the perfect thermal targets and they will retain a precise heat signature from rounds for up to 5 minutes at a time. No more need for special stick on thermal targets, just use your day to day Infinity Target!
- Archery Compatible: Infinity Targets are the only reusable targets on the market that are optimized for both pews and archery! No backstop needed for bows up to 80 lbs using field points. For bows 70 lbs and up using broadheads, simply lean your target up against a hay bale and you are good to go
Comes with 2 spring clamps for mounting